Accentuate The Positive – Start to Connect to the Flow of Life

YOU EXIST here as a vibratory being. We all exist here, at a cellular level, as atoms and molecules, light and consciousness, and as pure energy in human form.

Everything in human and animal form, and every event or situation, started as a thought or energy beam of consciousness.

How to attract positive energy from the universe

You attract to yourself experiences, people and circumstances that reflect the inner dimensions of your own being and peace.

If your energy is chaotic, you will attract chaotic situations and people to you. When you are calm and peaceful, you will resonate with people who are in the same state of being.

In the scheme of things, we are all just beams of light, dancing in a universe, falling in and out of situations, life events and relationships with people.

When you emanate peace and love it comes back to you.

We grow together as communities of molecules and atoms, vibrating with a pulse. We breathe with the essence and energy of people with whom we feel comfortable and in harmony.

Some days our energy will be faster and on other days slower; the key is to check in with yourself to manage and feel your own energy.

Just like magnets, we attract people and things that are in tune with our true essence and repel others who are not in accord with our true vibration.

We grow in strength if surrounded by people and working in places where we feel in harmony with who we really are.

We feel resistance and disharmony when we come out of alignment with our true spiritual essence and core beliefs, which are often unconscious, or when we are in the presence of people who do not share this consciousness.

Some people will press your buttons and these people come as your teachers. It will be your challenge to rise higher and be in the observer state or to react. We always have choice.

To break the ancestral patterns of our mothers and fathers we have to look and see what we find uncomfortable in their patterns and try consciously not to recreate this in the next generation.

The ancestral line will only evolve and grow if we do. Regard the ancestral karma as your soul’s challenge; use it as a springboard to propel you to the next adventure. We choose our mother, father, brothers and sisters for our soul’s growth.

Free Soul Reading

Some days you might want to be peaceful and still and in your own space. On other days you might want to share your energy with others and give to them.

As vibratory beings, it’s essential to look after our own energy. It’s your chi, your energy, your life force, which keeps you here, on the earth plane.

Stay grounded. Some days you might feel drained by people or situations or by just reading something, so it’s essential that you top up your energy with good food and water, good daily practices of sleep and being around positive situations and people who uplift and support you.

Be aware of situations and people who drain you. Going into nature is one natural way you can instantly restore yourself; you are able to regain balance and restore your inner spirit. Nature is so healing on so many levels.

Occasionally we might be spun out of someone’s world: we might lose a job, relationship or friend, but we exist in a universe of millions and millions of vibratory beings, so we will always be attracting or repelling situations, events or people, just like comets and asteroids attracting and colliding in a universe.

We know in our hearts what feels right to us. We know when we are in harmony with someone else’s vibration and journey and we know when we feel uncomfortable.

We also know when situations and jobs feel right to us. We weave in and out of life, like the planets, stars and galaxies that populate the universe.

You come here as a tiny speck of consciousness. You individuated here at this time to experience it all.

When you start to see yourself as a tiny part of the collective, a minute part of the whole expansive universe, a diminutive speck in the pinball of life, your whole world opens up and you start to connect to the flow of life which is constantly evolving and in a state of flux.

You weave in and out of the fabric of life: the light and the dark, the yin and yang aspects, like water flowing downstream and moving sometimes with great velocity, at other times slow, soft and silken, like breath … a golden thread of life.

You are it all: the good, the bad, the ugly, the slow, the fast, the calm, the storm, the eloquent, the mysterious one, the soft one, the beautiful one, the rich one, the poor one, the illuminated and the dark one. But essentially, at your essence, you are love.



You may be a tiny beam of light in a huge cosmos, but shine brightly and radiate love, and the rest will follow, in accordance with universal laws.


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